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Symbolic Neuronal Operations [SNOPS] are at the core of hominid language evolution and animal intelligence!


Zebrafish Systems Neurobiology:

The Future of Neurodynamics Research

Absent efforts to Individually Identify CNS neurons, the dynamical analysis of neural computations is Fraught with Illusion

Human Flash Memory ==> Daily Memory Records

+ Synaptic Learning Theory Neural, Words: go down page

Originally called "Conscious Record Memory" (Gioioso & O'Malley, 2009), we now prefer the term "Flash Memory" to describe the effortless, one-trial process by which day-long, Daily Memory Records (DMRs) are written. The FM process is distinct from those probed by most memory and cognitive task investigated today. Theoretical aspects of FM were presented in 2011 at SFN, while the 2011 Neuroinformatics Congress poster focuses on symbolics.  Analyses by Samantha Ganz were presented in 2012 at CSHL, and an update on symbolic operations was presented at CNS-Boston in 2014.  The paper submitted to FINS was declined; its reach was a bit excessive.

Gioioso.and.O'Malley, 2009

First presented at the Chicago SFN meeting, this poster covers the salient basics of CRM or Flash Memory.

O'Malley, 2011, Neuroinfo. Congress

This poster focuses on Symbolic Aspects of DMRs

Ganz & O'Malley, 2012, CSHL

Ganz tabulates the items that comprise DMRs

2014 Cognitive Neuroscience Poster

Features an analysis of Symbolic Neuronal Operations or SNOPs and suggests that NEURAL WORDS are evolutionary deep and contributed to the emergence of language-SNOPs

Evolution of Syntax and Semantics

Both appear to have deep evolutionary roots.  Semantics Comes From Experience. Conscious experience.  Evolutionary learning of Universal Physics provides the basis of our linguistic Universal Grammar. FINS declined to publish.

Check out our Resources Page

The PDFs / Resources page as some key references pertaining to FM. Also see the Bibliography on the Ganz & O'Malley poster!

2011 - Neural Words.  This chapter proposed to NLM charts a path from Object Recognition to sub-linguistic Symbolic Neuronal Operations or SNOPS.  For neocortex to carry out the extreme sub-conscious information processing that it does, it must use compact and portable neuronal representations, aka Neural Words.

2015 From Synapses to Knowledge Integration: Synaptic Learning Theory

These 2 posters, by Annie Bryant (NU/BNS) and myself, seek to chart a path from our DMRs to the storage and integration of new knowledge into our neocortical and MTL circuitry.  The first poster (Quinnipiac) traces information flow into our CNS/conscious experience, storage in our DMRs and integration via symbolic neuronal operations (SNOPS) into declarative memory/knowledge, thus advancing the theme of Synaptic Learning Theory.  All Knowledge enters via our DMRs.  The second poster (UNE/NURDS) is an extension of the first focusing more on neural representation, oscillations and knowledge architectures (but it overlaps quite a bit with the first poster).  Both posters fall within the genre of synthetic neuroscience and as such are highly speculative: all neuroscientists are welcome to use these ideas freely in their research.

Synaptic Learning Theory shown at Quinnipiac/NEURONS-Feb. Blizzard Bryant & O'Malley 2015a

Knowledge Integration (+ABT by Annie)- Univ. New England-Mar Blizzard Bryant & O'Malley 2015b

2016 - Role of Auto-Associative Networks in Memory Loss with Age
AAN's are the foremost paradigm of memory storage in mammalian CNS. But how badly are AANs damaged in Alzheimer's disease? Based on theoretical considerations, fMRI connectivity studies and observed functional deficits, we suggest that our memories fail (at least initially) due to failing connections between AANs.  In collaboration with BNS Professor Jamie Bunce and BNS undergrad Shezal Padani. Padani, Bunce & O'Malley, 2016.  

2017a - Knowledge Integration in Neocortex: Packet Routing, AANs and Cognitive Moments
This presentation at Quinnipiac-Neuron offers new theory of how information packets are routed thru neocortex to store DMRs, which are the raw material of all declarative thought. Within the context of current research on symbolic operations, we critique the oft-assumed (but rarely mentioned) assumption of single-line coding and show how packets can facilitate the emergence of new AAN connections, which are consciously experienced as cognitive advancement.  Belloch Arango and O'Malley, 2017a.

2017b - Evolutionary Learning, Symbolic Operations and Cognitive Advancement: A Neuronal Perspective  
This second poster with Carla Belloch Arango features the "Mind Food Pyramid", start from synaptic principles and real world items, to animal communications and "basic" symbol processing and leading to the Universal Physics and Neural Words that underlie our Universal Grammar and the unprecedented cognitive capabilities of Homo sapines. Belloch Arango and O'Malley, 2017b.

2017c - How Reflective and Adaptive Learning Strategies relate to a Nodal Theory of Neocortical Computation, Northeastern University.  
By Melissa B. McElligott & Donald M. O’Malley, presented at the 2017 Gordon Conference on Undergraduate Biology Education at Stonehill College. This poster examines The Learning Universe in the context of how different learning/teaching styles engage human neocortex and its billions of processors. We identify tradeoffs between bandwidth (bits per second instructed) and topic dwell time (more time allows for more active learning approaches) and also discuss analogical reasoning, innate knowledge and universal grammar/physics in this context.  McElligott and O'Malley, 2017.

2018. Generation of Gap Models to Assess Impact of Age/Pathology on Neocortical OperationsThis Hashemi and O'Malley Abstract and Poster, for Boston's 2018 BANG meeting, explores the creation of Gap Models that incorporate pathology parameters into neuronal-network models of cognitive operations.  2018 BANG ABSTRACT.